By Sherana Curtis
The reason why I would want YCCS West to get the food truck so bad is because there some kids who can’t walk to the store in the morning. So that’s why everybody be asking for other people stuff. But if there was a food truck nobody want be hungry after school. And the students they would buy some food off the truck.The truck owner would make so much money in a day even a week. Our whole school would spend so much money on that truck. But once again I feel like we should help to get the truck to come to our school. The school let us be able to get the food truck. So people won’t get to hungry by not eating the food they give in the school. #ChicagoFoodTruck #EndlessHunger @yccswest
By Jennia Maggit
September 27th, 2018
The reason why I would like for a Food Truck to come to our school is because I usually miss breakfast when I leave early to go to school. Sometimes, I do not have time at home to organize a meal for lunch. In class, I get really hungry and end up looking forward to lunch but sadly, the food is not the best. I personally feel that It’d be a good idea for a Food Truck to come to our school because since our school is small and does not have many funds for hot lunch it would benefit our school and the students. It would be a great idea because the students will be looking forward to come to school and receive a good lunch that they’ll enjoy.
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