By Jada Murray
My name is Jada Murray, I am a high school student at YCCS West, in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago and I was shot.
I was walking on March 1st 2018 at my home from a party with a bunch of friends when a car pass by the first time. The second time the car passed by it slowed down I was worried but all I did was just kept walking. This time it passed by slowly letting down the car window shutting I started to run forward but my friend brother pushed us into a gang cut where they can’t see us I was crying thanking the lord that none of us got shot. So I called my dad to come pick all of us up as we get in the car I begin to tell my dad the story as I’m telling my dad the story as we going home I was thinking about that happen an how I’m not walking home from a party anymore instead I will catch Lyft or call on of my parents to pick us up.
After the situation I start going to less parties started coming home around 9:30 at night making sure I don’t miss out on the bus on the weekend if there is a party and I want to stay late. I make sure I have money for a cab or call my dad or spend the night out. After everything that happened that night makes me afraid to go outside alone. I’m scared the same car will come to my new place and do the same thing over again and this time the shooter won’t miss. I deal with these fear by listening music while I walk an make sure I look around my surroundings as I’m walking if It’s to late I have some one walk with me to the bus stop I also deal with these fears as calling one of my cousin and telling her where I’m at what stop I’m getting off at an whats the next busses an stop I’m going to be getting on an off so if anything happened while I’m on the phone with her she know what happened to me.
Published by, Donovan Parks
#GunViolence #Serious