Watch out for this upcoming star in the Rap Industry — Kevo2x
His goal is to be the best Rapper from his hometown Chicago.
“I think I’m very talented the things I rap about is street wise but I intertwine it with my life the things I been threw and seen the stuff I want to do. Im not going say I had the worst life and I’m not going to say I had the best life , because my mama did every thing she could to make sure we had want we needed and wanted. Some things I want to achieve right now is first get my music out right now get my fan base up the more people that listen to my music the more views I’m going to have. I feel like I’m going to make matter of fact I know Ima make I’m believe I’m lyriclly inclined and very versatile not saying I’m the best but I’m shooting to be. You will be able to find my music on youtube and Soundcloud. On Soundcloud look me up as KevoTwotimes and on Youtube look Me up as Kevo2x.”