By: Kevin Cobbs
June 9th 2015 , I was driving down Lake with me and my big cousin Homan, who we call Boo. Without my knowledge my cousin was drinking before he came to get me. When I got into the car, I could smell the liquor but didn’t really pay attention to it. Before the crash occurred my cousin ran a stop sign and two red lights, I told him to slow down but he couldn’t hear me because the music was on blast. I had a funny feeling that if I didn’t get out of the car I was going get injured really bad, but since we were almost at our location I stayed in the car knowing my cousin was under the influence of alcohol. We were approaching Lake and it was a red light, my cousin tried to run the light and a car coming from the right side, (the side I was sitting on), ran straight into us. I blacked out… I could’nt process being in a car accident. But to get to the point me and my cousin Boo, and the people of the other car left without a scratch and we were blessed to be alive. Surviving the crash changed me and made me realize that there is more to life and that God is really a protector.
Published by: Domenica Vaque