- Demographics:
- Gender Female
- Age 22
- Marital Status Single
- Children? None
- Ethnicity African American
- Income group
- Location Chicago
- Purchasing history Personal product preferences Preferred mode of communication?
- Internet access?yes
- Owns a computer? Yes
- Hobbies Telling people about articles for chicago roar
- Primary leisure activities
- Preferences (e.g. reading preferences, movie preferences, brand preferences, pets, etc.)
- Favourite sources of information (e.g. which web sites, magazines, chat rooms, etc.)
- Turn-ons, turn-offs
- Etc., based on what you need to know to reach the audience meaningfully Purchasing Habits:
- Level of control over purchase decision everything is owned by her ceo
- Typical product/solution purchase in your segment
- Has purchased similar product in past? yes she has purchased product from them
- Number of people involved in the purchase decision 3
- Things/experiences/preconceptions that may affect the audience’s opinion of the subject matter/product/service
- Previous purchase history with this type of product/service wonderful service perfect product
- What barriers/roadblocks may impede the audience’s adoption of the product/serviceoffering Influencers?
- What people or groups of people influence the audience’s purchase decisions, and how?
Written By Camerah Thompkins