By Thomas Jackson
Chicago Roar
When YCCS-West students went on the trip to WGN news station – we saw the greatest things in life! The WGN team, Dimitrius and Mike were so nice and great to us. Dina talked to us about how anchors deeply connect with victims and suffer when reporting on traumatic stories like the shootings and sex trafficking across the city of Chicago. The people there love to come to work and be around each other. Their bonds, relationships and personalities are just so down to earth and astounding to us, down to Juana and the nice lady who gave us the tour.
I learned that everything is about time and how you use it. The things that I have seen have changed the way I view my future options for a career. The way the job flows and the way the team runs together is something many businesses and schools can learn from like we will for our first newscast.
Published by Asia Williams Student Council President