Vote Kristen for President:
1. What does school culture mean to you? explain.
What culture means to me is where you come from and who you are. Culture is your language, food, music, clothes, & origins.Culture is your way of life and what makes you, you.
2.Name one positive aspect of the school. Then name one negative aspect. Please Explain.
A positive aspect of school is that you have chance to be you and to strive to do the greatest you can.There is no limit to your success and you can always learn new things. A negative aspect of school could be that some people may not want to be there for the right reasons and might disrupt you with negative attitudes.
3.Name three of strongest qualities and how they help the team be an Success.
Three of my strongest qualities are that i am courageous, I am dedicated, and I am limitless. These qualities can help the team to success in the way that these are are qualities of a leader.
4.In the first 5 weeks of school what you noticed about yourself and your classmates.
In the first 5 weeks what I’ve notices about myself and my classmates is that we all can do great things if we just set our minds to it. (: