To legally register you need your IL driver’s license or state ID. You may also use them to change your name or address. The deadline is Sunday October 21st at 11:59PM. You may also use an IL state ID or your IL driver’s that lists your old addresses to be able to register your new address. You can go to the website below to see the rules for registration.

To vote by mail you must use a downloadable form and fill in the blanks. You must print it, sign it, deliver it or you can mail it. The deadline is 11:59pm Tuesday October 9th. hThe website below is more information of how you can mail your form and a copy of the form itself.

To vote in person at an early voting, it could be at any site in Chicago. This is through October 16th through November 6th. Vote at the Illinois Secretary of State’s office if you are also obtaining a new driver’s license or state ID during your visit.

Published By: Domenica Vaque